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Performance Improvement

  Performance improvement options are changing. Organizations are facing tough choices such as outsourcing, process improvement or large scale re-organizations in the drive to enhance the bottom line.
PALADIN The outsourcing marketplace is providing increasingly diverse options for administrative and core services.
PALADIN Concerns about adequate strategic control are causing increasing executive scrutiny about what processes are being outsourced and why.
PALADIN However, improving performance of organic processes with respect to time, quality, cost and variability, remains a core priority for senior management.

  We can help you in a number of aspects of performance improvement:  
PALADIN We will facilitate a senior team problem-solving workout to frame the need for performance improvement. This will include a dialog about the choices such as outsourcing and re-organization, and their implications for strategic control, risk and performance.
PALADIN "We will design and manage communication strategies in support of the change initiative.
PALADIN We will help you manage the change process:
PALADIN provide the methodology,
PALADIN help you structure, staff and train the teams needed to do the work and
PALADIN provide analytic and managerial support throughout the process."
  Read a case study on cost reduction or outsourcing. Or contact us to discuss how we may help you.